
Current Local Time

UTC/GMT Offset Daylight time zone - UTC/GMT 3 hours in daylight saving time (EEST)
Next time change on 10/26/2025 03:00 am (local time) (EET)
Daylight saving time Actually in DST
Daylight Saving Time start on : Sunday 30 March 2025 am:00 am
Daylight Saving Time end on : Sunday 26 October 2025 03:00 am

Actual offset : UTC/GMT + 3 hours (in DST time)
In DST Time : UTC/GMT + 3 hours
In STD Time : UTC/GMT + 2 hours
Coordinates Latitude : 35° 11' north
Longitude : 33° 23' east
Astronomic Observations Sunrise at : 06:32 am
Transition hout : 12:50 pm
Sunset at : 07:07 pm
Duration of day : 12 hours
Civil twilight start at : 06:07 am
Civil twilight end at : 07:33 pm

Speaking clock Information

In addition, it had a wheel of fortune and an indicator of the state of the tide at London Bridge
Bells rang every hour, the number of strokes indicating the time.
Dondi's clock was a seven-sided construction, 1 metre high, with dials showing the time of day, including minutes, the motions of all the known planets, an automatic calendar of fixed and movable feasts, and an eclipse prediction hand rotating once every 18 years.
It is not known how accurate or reliable these clocks would have been
They were probably adjusted manually every day to compensate for errors caused by wear and imprecise manufacture.
Water clocks are sometimes still used today, and can be examined in places such as ancient castles and museums.
The Salisbury Cathedral clock, built in 1386, is considered to be the world's oldest surviving mechanical clock that strikes the hours.
Later developments
Clockmakers developed their art in various ways
Building smaller clocks was a technical challenge, as was improving accuracy and reliability
Clocks could be impressive showpieces to demonstrate skilled craftsmanship, or less expensive, mass-produced items for domestic use
The escapement in particular was an important factor affecting the clock's accuracy, so many different mechanisms were tried.
Spring-driven clocks appeared during the 15th century,[13][14][15] although they are often erroneously credited to Nürnberg watchmaker Peter Henlein (or Henle, or Hele) around 1511. The earliest existing spring driven clock is the chamber clock given to Peter the Good, Duke of Burgundy, around 1430, now in the Germanisches Nationalmuseum. Spring power presented clockmakers with a new problem; how to keep the clock movement running at a constant rate as the spring ran down
This resulted in the invention of the stackfreed and the fusee in the 15th century, and many other innovations, down to the invention of the modern going barrel in 1760.
Early clock dials did not use minutes and seconds
A clock with a dial indicating minutes was illustrated in a 1475 manuscript by Paulus Almanus, and some 15th-century clocks in Germany indicated minutes and seconds. An early record of a second hand on a clock dates back to about 1560, on a clock now in the Fremersdorf collection. However, this clock could not have been accurate, and the second hand was probably for indicating that the clock was working.
During the 15th and 16th centuries, clockmaking flourished, particularly in the metalworking towns of Nuremberg and Augsburg, and in Blois, France
Some of the more basic table clocks have only one time-keeping hand, with the dial between the hour markers being divided into four equal parts making the clocks readable to the nearest 15 minutes
Other clocks were exhibitions of craftsmanship and skill, incorporating astronomical indicators and musical movements
The cross-beat escapement was invented in 1584 by Jost Bürgi, who also developed the remontoire

Source : Wikipedia