for DC Metro (Northern Virginia) - +1 703 844 xxxx for DC Metro (Maryland) - +1 301 844 xxxx for Columbus, OH - +1 614 281 8211 (commercial, time and temperature, weather forecast courtesy of WCMH-TV); +1 614 469 1010 (operated by WBNS-TV; TV news promo, time and temperature [also relative humidity in summer], weather forecast) for Baltimore - +1 410 844 xxxx for Boston, MA - +1 617 637 xxxx or +1 617 637 8687 (AKA +1 617 NERVOUS) (time and current temperature) Maine (entire state) +1 207 775 4321 (hours and minutes only, current temperature in Portland, ME) for Chattanooga, TN +1 423 265 1411 (hours and minutes only, weather and commercial) for Oklahoma City, OK +1 405 599 1234 (starts with commercial, provides time (no seconds) and weather forecast) for Dallas, TX - +1 214 844 xxxx or +1 972 844 xxxx for Helena, MT +1 406 442 1730 (starts with commercial, provides time (no seconds) and current temperature) for San Antonio, TX +1 210 226 3232 (Operated by Frost Bank; starts with commercial, provides day and date, time (no seconds) and current Downtown temperature) Every ten seconds, a voice announced the time of day according to this formula: "Good (morning / afternoon / evening) At the tone, (time zone) (standard / daylight) time will be (hour):(o'clock / minute) (exactly / and (n) seconds)," followed by a one-second tone There was a brief, albeit noticeable pause between the minutes and the seconds announcement, as the seconds portion was a separate recording The seconds portion was always given in multiples of ten, or was omitted for the word "exactly" For example, such as message could be: "Good morning At the tone, Pacific Standard Time will be 9:52 and ten seconds tone" or "Good morning At the tone, the time will be 9:52 and ten seconds tone" Before the Bell System divestiture, the caller would first hear a brief promotional or informative phrase, and then a brief weather forecast For example: "A long-distance call is a smiling, happy way to visit Ohio Bell time (n)..."