
Current Local Time

UTC/GMT Offset Actual offset : UTC/GMT 11 hours
No offset at this time
Coordinates Latitude : 17° 44' south
Longitude : 168° 19' east
Astronomic Observations Sunrise at : 05:52 am
Transition hout : 11:50 am
Sunset at : 05:48 pm
Duration of day : 11 hours
Civil twilight start at : 05:31 am
Civil twilight end at : 06:10 pm

Speaking clock Information

Alicia Roland[15], 12-year-old schoolgirl, temporary voice for the children's charity ChildLine, from October 13 to October 20, 2003, having won a BBC TV Newsround competition and stating, before announcing the time, "It's time to listen to young people".
Sara Mendes da Costa, fourth permanent voice: from April 2, 2007.[16]
Mae Whitman, temporary voice as part of a deal to promote the Disney production of Tinker Bell, for three months from 26 October 2008 until 2 February 2009.
UK celebrities Kimberley Walsh, Cheryl Cole, Gary Barlow, Chris Moyles, and Fearne Cotton for Comic Relief charity: from 3 February to 23 March 2009.
In the United States, this service was typically known as the "Time of Day" service, with the term "speaking clock" never used
Occasionally it would be called "Time and Temperature." However, the service had been phased out in all but two states (California and Nevada) when AT and T discontinued its California service in September 2007, citing the widespread availability of sources such as mobile phones and computers.[20]
For all area codes in Northern California, the number was 767-2676, and was often indicated by its telephone acronym, POPCORN. In other locations, different telephone exchanges are or were used for the speaking clock service
In these areas, the numbers were usually quoted with the -xxxx, -2525, -1212, or -1234 ending
For example,
853 was the reserved exchange in Southern California.
622 was the reserved exchange in Florida.
637 (MEridian-7) is the reserved exchange in Boston.
846 is the reserved exchange in Philadelphia.
844 is the reserved exchange in Washington D.C.
This clock has usually been the most accurate of the clocks operated by the local telephone companies.
936 (WEather-6) was used in Boston, Washington D.C., and Toledo, Ohio for weather information.
Various other numbers were used in other localities
In Wisconsin, the former Wisconsin Bell reserved the ending numbers -0123 in the dominant exchange for a city for time and temperature information.
Here is the list of active numbers as of October 2009 (the 'xxxx' could be either -0123, -1234, -1212 or -2525):
for Washington DC - +1 202 844 xxxx or +1 202 936 1212 (time and local forecast courtesy of Verizon)

Source : Wikipedia